
Showing posts from March, 2018

Perfectly Pie-Jacked Excerpt

Chapter 1 Almost the last thing a person expects on a Friday afternoon in April is to be held up on the side of the road by a bandit wearing a blue bandana over his face. I say “almost the last thing” because this wasn’t my first time being robbed by an Old-Timey bandit. Honestly though, I was just as surprised this second go ‘round. Maybe more so, given the time of year. The last time I’d been robbed by someone in costume had been at my friend Georgia Sue’s Halloween party. That first hold-up had been around the time our town’s power was discovered by the outside world. Then all sorts of magical mishaps befell us. You see, I live in the small town of Duvall, Texas, which has a tor—that’s a magic mountain—and it sits on a mystical superhighway of magical lines. It’s real unusual. When supernatural power brokers tried to claim it, we had to fight to keep the town in the hands of the folks who’d always lived in it. But for almost five years, things had been quiet and peaceful. W

Newsletter this weekend!

This weekend, I'll publish an excerpt from the Southern Witch novella here on my blog.  Also this weekend, my newsletter will be flying to inboxes all over the world, containing an exclusive sneak peek at my new series, complete with an excerpt from Book 1. Please sign up if you'd like a glimpse of what's coming!